Monday, January 02, 2006


Think I'm going to get my moneys worth today and add something about my biggest passion....women.
Now I could talk for hours about the more delicate gender but I'm not going to. A quote I recently heard in the movie Closer is very interesting: "You women don't understand the territory, because you are the territory".
What the hell does that mean I hear you ask, well I don't know either, answers on a post card please. But what I think Clive Owen is trying to say is that the failings of the male species are solely due to women. Women tend to bring out the worst in men may be a better way of putting it. You may ask how I deduced this hypothesis but I would be unable to answer this question as I do not yet know myself. However, from my own personal and traumatic experiences in this particular field I can safely say that Mr Owen has a valid point.
Anyway, enough of the scientific spiel, what really bugs me about you women folk is that you will never tell us if you like us or are interested. You assume that we should know this. You must remember that most of the time most of our blood and attention is focused in our crotch and so sometimes we miss these so called "signals" which you emit. Just once I'd like an attractive brunnette to approach me, why should I do all the work? After all, you guys are always banging on about equality, are you not?


At 9:06 pm, Blogger Gareth said...

Y'kno you really don't get these problems with men.

Although you seem to have misunderstood Clive's point, so maybe you would.


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