Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Guilty conscience

After a late night attack of the munchies I happened to switch on the TV and in an attempt to find some decent porn I came across a bikini clad beauty in a tub. Now you may presume I was watching the fantasy channel or something to that effect, however, the truth is more alarming...it was in fact...channel 4...
Yes, I sadly watched the show I so despise and you know what, I kind of enjoyed it. I got that sadistic pleasure one feels when they know they are doing somehting they shouldn't be.
And what can I say, I think I'm hooked...
I feel I owe several people some apologies for previous comments made on this blogspot.
Not only does Galloway look like my Grandpa, he seems like a genuine enough fellow, as does Maggot.
And my precious Chantelle, so sweet and naive...
However, the apologies stop there, I still hate Barrymore, and all the rest of the looney toons in there. But I do admire some of the tactics. Jodie Marsh hooking up with Chantelle as soon as she realised she wasn't famous, very clever move.
And Dennis, it seems Dennis is attempting to melt himself in the sauna. I reckon as a puddle he would prove to be far more entertaining...


At 6:17 pm, Blogger Gareth said...


If you can't beat it, join it.Well done for realising this.

At 6:43 pm, Blogger grimbin said...

This is not defeat, I will continue to watch Soapstar, superstar, but will also watch 'some' episodes of Big Bro, when I feel the need to see Chantelle...

At 7:02 pm, Blogger Gareth said...



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