Being a frustrated single male living in the 21st century I've recently started thinking about some of my deepest and darkest fantasies.
Now don't all start searching for the escape button, my fantasies aren't really that dirty at all.
I worked it out, I'd like to shag a really posh bird, like Elizabeth Hurley. She would be ideal actually. But thats not the end of it, I'd also like to shag a really dirty chav, gold chains and a 20 pack of malboro and all. Lady sovereign is a prime example.
You may notice that there is a slight difference in class between these two particular ladies but I think that that is the appeal. I'm fed up of dallying in the middle of the class system, lets see what the others have to offfer. I reckon the results would be very interesting. You see you would imagine that the chav would be really dirty but I reckon the posh bird would have far more to offer in the bedroom, and I dont just mean she would have expensive silk sheets.
Next time your out on the pull try and look past those gold chains and hoodies and in the name of science give it a go!
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