Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ohhhhh Myyyyy Goooooood!

I had multiple orgasms this morning after reading this piece of news from a website,

On it it says that Sven Goran Erikkson had an meeting with a journalist posing as an Arab businessman. In this liaison Sven apparently revealed he would be interested in becoming, yes......the Aston Villa manager....omg.....wooohooooo...
But far more importantly, Sven revealed that he would persuade my favouritest football on the entire planet to join him at villa, yes, DAVID FUCKIN BECKHAM, woooooooooooohhooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I somewhat doubt this will ever happen, but one can only live in hope, plus the mere fact that villa have been mentioned in the press is frankly astonishing, thank fuck for speculative and undercover journalism is all I can say...


At 11:35 pm, Blogger Gareth said...

So this Beckham character plays football too?


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