Thursday, January 12, 2006


Taiwan, home to the world's first transgenic glowing fish, has successfully bred fluorescent green pigs that researchers hope will boost the island's stem cell research, a professor said on Thursday.
Spose it means if theres ever a power cut, you'll be able to find your sausage sandwhich.
I think Jade Goodie is in line for the treatment, maybe we will be able to see her coming next time...


At 11:59 am, Blogger grimbin said...

So your a veggietarian now?

At 3:16 pm, Blogger Gareth said...

Only since last May.

Thanks for being such a great friend.

At 3:27 pm, Blogger grimbin said...

Well I've never been particularly interested in what you eat to be frank, so how was I to know...


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