Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mosquito bites

As you may have picked up on from previous posts I have become quite fond of the classy US sitcom (Sky digital spiel) Will & Grace. So much so that my day revolves around it. I wake in the morning to catch it on channel 4, then I go to sleep. Then I catch it on the afternoon on living. Then I go to sleep. Then I watch it on the night on living. Then I go to sleep. You get the idea.
I seem to have this uncanny nack of liking a show just as its in its final series, same happened with Friends.
Well anyway, the point of this exercise is to encourage you good non-student folk who can afford statelite television to watch the damn show, tis great.
You have Will, who is so funny, and so gay. And Grace, who despite being a red head and her bosom, or lack of it, is rather fit. And a whole host of other characters who are sure to make you laugh.


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