Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Its been a while. Due to my general laziness its been an age since i have been bothered to write something on here. And I feel rather bad about that. It was almost a year ago that me and Gareth decided we would keep one of these blogs and while he has kept to it, mine has rather stuttered and stumbled like a Gareth Gates speech. So I feel the time has come to start writing again, especially with the loneliest time of the year coming up, Christmas. Added to that the fact that the tag line to this blog is "an insight into the rambling and degenerate mind of a teenage idiot" and the fact that I will only be a teeny bopper for another couple of months, it would be a hell of a shame not to post some more fascinating articles.
However. I feel a slight change is in order. There will be no more posts about fashion, as I loathe it now, no posts about my hair as that just pisses me off, and hopefully no posts from me moping about girls. There will just be my good old fashioned, often foul mouthed, mostly offensive, never boring, humour.