Sunday, May 21, 2006

Is it tautou late to change my mind?

I think I was probably a little harsh on The Da Vinci code in my review to be honest with you now.
Thinking about it, I did really enjoy it, and it is an excellent story which does transpose onto the cinema screen pretty comfortably, and the actors in the movie are all great.
I think I was so harsh because it wasn't as good as I felt it should have been, if you get what I mean. But it is still a good film.
I'm going to go back this week and watch it again now I know what to expect, so I can make a fair judgment without having the massive expectations I had the first time around.
I think you could compare it to your first sexual episode really, you spend ages waiting for it and when it actually comes (excuse the pun) and goes you feel somewhat disappointed. Never the less, it improves with each subsequent time you do it.
Well that's what I reckon anyway.
Plus I have fell in love with Audrey Tautou, and it is going to take a hell of a long time to get over this one. She's just so damn beautiful.


At 10:40 pm, Blogger Gareth said...

Have you deleted your review then?!

If you didn't enjoy it, you didn't enjoy it. But you want to enjoy it, so next time you're ganna just look for good points and amplify them to drown out the bad. In a kind of "That extra is wearing a blue shirt. Blue's may favourite colour! I love this film!" way.

If that makes sense.

No. No it doesn't.



At 1:13 am, Blogger Gareth said...

I hadn't noticed the capitalised GENIUS of your headline before now. So hahahahahaha.


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