Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Its been a while. Due to my general laziness its been an age since i have been bothered to write something on here. And I feel rather bad about that. It was almost a year ago that me and Gareth decided we would keep one of these blogs and while he has kept to it, mine has rather stuttered and stumbled like a Gareth Gates speech. So I feel the time has come to start writing again, especially with the loneliest time of the year coming up, Christmas. Added to that the fact that the tag line to this blog is "an insight into the rambling and degenerate mind of a teenage idiot" and the fact that I will only be a teeny bopper for another couple of months, it would be a hell of a shame not to post some more fascinating articles.
However. I feel a slight change is in order. There will be no more posts about fashion, as I loathe it now, no posts about my hair as that just pisses me off, and hopefully no posts from me moping about girls. There will just be my good old fashioned, often foul mouthed, mostly offensive, never boring, humour.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Is it tautou late to change my mind?

I think I was probably a little harsh on The Da Vinci code in my review to be honest with you now.
Thinking about it, I did really enjoy it, and it is an excellent story which does transpose onto the cinema screen pretty comfortably, and the actors in the movie are all great.
I think I was so harsh because it wasn't as good as I felt it should have been, if you get what I mean. But it is still a good film.
I'm going to go back this week and watch it again now I know what to expect, so I can make a fair judgment without having the massive expectations I had the first time around.
I think you could compare it to your first sexual episode really, you spend ages waiting for it and when it actually comes (excuse the pun) and goes you feel somewhat disappointed. Never the less, it improves with each subsequent time you do it.
Well that's what I reckon anyway.
Plus I have fell in love with Audrey Tautou, and it is going to take a hell of a long time to get over this one. She's just so damn beautiful.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The way Britain should be

I'm currently "bumming", as the popular expression goes, Dunhill. No not the ciggies you fools, the classy clothing brand.
Their spring/summer clobber is soooo good it hurts. Cricket inspired jumpers and bags alongside good old racing jackets and driving gloves straight out of a 1965 movie. All mished up with fine suits and shirts. Its exactly how a British bloke should be dressed, in fact, its how every British bloke should dress. None of these crappy and gimmicky fashions that keep floating about, (yellow tee shirts come to mind). The guys at Dunhill no what works and stick to it, thank God. And to add another string to their bow they've got my most favouritest man on the planet to be their model: Jude Law. Sadly he only features in their Asian marketing campaign.
Go to: and click on the picture of Jude.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hairy issue

I have onced again reached that crucial and excruciating point in my life where i begin to ponder my next hair style. Now normally I would just reach for the nearest picture of David Beckham and take it to my nearest hairdresser. However, I feel it is time for me to grow up so to speak and get a real hair style instead of the sonic the hedgehog do i am currently sporting.
I have covered nearly every hair style pheasible over the past years, right from thug lovin crew cut all the way through to floppy Hugh Grant locks. I feel a change is now neccesary.
So I have taken the liberty of picking out 2 of my most favouritest hairstyles, both of which belong to very sexy actors, and would like you good people (meaning Garruff), to decide which one and to help me stick to avoiding hairdressers like the plague.
I have chosen Garruff as my mentor because he has done a damn good job of growing his hair and so I would appreciate a few pointers....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

So dark the con of man

As you are probably aware, the Da Vinci code movie comes out in a little over two weeks. I'm going to be frank (no not that shit druggy chat line), and tell you to go watch it.
What do you mean: "why should I?"
You really need me to tell you?
Well OK I will anyway. Because it's kick ass. The book is fuckin thrill a minute fantabulous, so if the film is half as good it will be worth a watch. And by the looks of the trailer they have stayed faithful to the book. Best of all, they've got Tom Hanks playing the lead character, who is called Robert Langdon. He's a slightly geekified Indianna Jones. Audrey Tautou is playing Sophie Neveu, Rob's love interest plus she is pretty hot for a French bird. Plus a host of other cool actors like Sir Ian Mckellen and Jean Reno and Paul Bettany.
Its gonna be fuckin ace. I ain't been this excited about a film since, well since never basically.

WARNING: If you are a devout Catholic or quite religious then I'm sure the film will only make you want to rant about something so I recommend you give it a miss.
