Style in 2006
As a follow up to my recent Look your best in 2006 article I'd just like to add a few things.
Firstly I realise that for alot of guys out there they like to learn from watching other people do things (easy, I know what your thinking). So I thought long and hard about it and realised that to the best way for me to teach you about style would be for you to have some one to look at, a reference point if you will.
And this is what I have come up with, I'm going to discuss a few of my favourite style icons and show you what we can learn from each of them. You see style isn't neccesarily copying someone who is "cool". Style is all about finding what works for each of us and sticking to it. I'm not a great admirer of people who chop and change looks, fashion victims to be more precise. You see, there is a fine line between being up to date with your look and being totally over the top. The best example I could give you would be David Beckham. This guy borders on being extremely fashionable to making a complete ass of himself. We don't want this. What we want is for you to establish our own style which suits our personality but is also contemporary. However, if your personality borders on eccentric, I don't want you going round in cravattes and cummerbunds.
So in short, from each "icon" I dish up we will learn a valuable fashion lesson and hopefully this will go a long way in helping you find what works for you.
Peace out
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